Your Stroller Buying Guide
Shopping for a stroller? Working out how you might use your baby stroller can be helpful before you buy it. Of course, before your baby arrives it's hard to know how often you'll use it but ask yourself these five questions to help narrow down your choice from the huge array of baby strollers available.

At what age can my baby go in a stroller?
Until three months, newborns need a lie-flat option to support and protect their backs. Choose from our range of 2 in 1 travel systems. A forward-facing stroller is only suitable if it can be laid flat.
What kind of stroller should I get?
- Twin Stroller: If you're having twins or will be pushing a toddler as well as a newborn, a tandem or twin stroller is the answer. A side-by-side or twin stroller is great for twins; a tandem stroller is best for a toddler and a baby (the baby goes in the lie-flat seat at the back).
- Lightweight Stroller: When your baby is between three and six months, you can choose a lightweight stroller, which is easier to fold, is lightweight and can be easily placed into the boot of the car. Depending on your budget, some parents prefer to buy a easy folding, compact and lightweight stroller to use when they are travelling and keep the bulkier stroller for walks closer to home.
- Travel Systems: A complete travel system would be ideal if you plan to do lots of travelling by car, because you can easily transport a sleeping baby from the car to the stroller. A complete travel system can be pricier than other strollers, but you may save money because the infant car seat comes as part of the package.
- 3- Wheeler Stroller: Pushability, maneuverability and a smooth ride are essential for country walks and can be a plus for uneven city pavements. If this is your lifestyle, choose a 3 wheeler stroller.

Where will i keep my stroller?
Some strollers can really take up some of your living space, so consider the size of your home. You need to make sure you can get your stroller through the front door, down narrow hallways and up or down any stairs.
You'll also need space to store it; consider whether you will be folding the stroller up after use to store it, or if you have somewhere big enough to keep it unfolded. If you'll be folding it, you need to choose a stroller which is lightweight and easy to fold. Check your car-boot size - it sounds obvious, but if you can only just squeeze the stroller in there, where's all you're shopping going to go? Check the fit before you buy.
How long will i use my stroller
If you plan to pass it on to your next baby, invest a little more for durability. A 3-wheeler or a complete travel system may be your best bet. If you want to move to a bulkier stroller at three months, don't spend quite so much. You can also buy attachments for some strollers so that they start off being suitable for one child, but can be converted easily into a tandem stroller for two. These strollers are great if you are planning to have more then one child in the future.
how much can I spend?
The more you spend, the more features you'll get, and if you go for top-of-the-range, both looks and functionality will be maximised. Luckily, with so much choice available, there is always going to be a stroller that suits your budget, whether it's large or small.